Awww! So cute….They actually have been singing eternal love to each other since the first day they met.
It’s very cute to be in the kind of relationship where you are really meant for each other. #hugs# I love love so please allow me warm you up with my arms a bit.
Come close friends! Your love will be tested. Your vows will be tested. He will test you bad. She will test you crazy. Okay wait!!! Let’s now hope that you have gone for pre-marital counseling and they’ve told you that you can’t control your partner’s actions but you can control your reaction. And so you make up your mind that you will always behave yourself and not test your partner. Fine!!!!! Great choice! But hey, bring your eyes close to the screen a bit…life….LIFE……LIFFFFEEE will throw you some heavy stones to test your love. How can you think you could escape that? Life will give you some crazy examination like Math (I hated math with a fiery passion. So just put the subject you hated) 😊…
This test will show your commitment to each other, your faithfulness to the Lord your God and your integrity.
No matter how much you heard God or you’re sure about this relationship, the boat will be rocked so hard. If it stands after it is rocked hard, it will stand stronger than ever.
These are few things you can always do during tests: First, be ready to be surrendered to God in prayer and listen for specific instructions. Be obedient to them because He’s the only one that knows a way out of every situation.
Second, learn to receive His peace and rest in it.
Third, don’t fight each other, fight for each other.
Lastly, please get a mentor (not a gossip partner) a real relationship mentor. It could be your pastor or a friend you admire that have successfully passed through similar situation.
Don’t forget to smile 😊
JESUS loves you
Thankyou for this brief article. It came just when I needed it.
Thanks coach vee